(Click to enlarge)

Sidewalks three feet from travel lanes with cars whizzing by at highway speeds--about a half-mile from Windermere Preparatory School.
C.R. 535 in front of Windermere Preparatory School. Posted speed: 40 mph. Actual typical speeds: 40 - 50 mph. No crossing walk across C.R. 535. No wonder we don't let our kids walk to school anymore.

Our zoning laws require, or encourage development in the sprawl pattern, represented by the bottom of the diagram. All travel must go to, and concentrates on the collector or arterial road. Form-based codes can facilitate development in a more traditional, walkable form, represented by the top of the diagram.
The Orlando Sentinel published a very kind and supportive letter-to-the-editor from Marilyn Marks, on November 22, 2009:
Three cheers for Ideas that favor pedestriansCopyright © 2009, Orlando Sentinel
Rick Geller's down-to-earth My Word column, "Change laws for safer roads," on Tuesday was superb.
I never realized why I shudder while driving on West Colonial Drive's long, endless blocks of parking-lot fronts. It is maddening and just plain ugly.
You can forget parking at one place and attempting to walk to another store across the street. Why not consider the Miami plan, which creates better environments for the pedestrian? We should not continue to duplicate these Neanderthal-like massive concrete blocks of parking-lot frontages.
After all, this is Orlando, the City Beautiful, right?